Friday, May 11, 2018

Good Blogging Practice

Hi everyone! My name is Shannalyn Shanmugam, and I am a student studying at INTI International College Subang. This blog is made to to evaluate my progress for my Digital Communications class. I will updating this blog weekly with the fixed topics for that specific week. This will continue for 3 to 4 weeks.

I would love to start the blog with the topic that was given for my first week of this evaluation.

Essentially, blogging is all about updating by typing and writing an event, or a specific topic to a personalized website that are mostly published online in an informal diary entry. There are many benefits that comes with being a blogger. Opportunities to travel and financial incomes are one of them.

To be a good blogger there are certain practices and applications that you must use to achieve a successful blog that would actually attract other bloggers and visitors to engage on your blog.

To demonstrate good blogging practice, as the title states, I would use a blog that I have been following for some time that I find to follow such beliefs and practices.

This particular blog features gothic-infused lifestyle, fashion, places, etc. I found this blog very interesting as it focuses its attention on a specific genre of lifestyle that isn't commonly portrayed in real life.

The first thing that you must do to start a successful blog is to choose a domain name and a theme that you want your blog to be about. This is extremely vital especially when you're aiming to have a specific type of audience. Your audience has to know on the spot that the blog that they're engaging in, is something that would capture their attention and would entangle them to keep on reading and viewing your blog.

Another consideration for a successfully well-made blog is the content of the blog. The blogger has to come up with original riveting and captivating content and posts to ensure that their viewers would return over and over again to view your themed blog. By content, I meant compelling stories, an appropriate use of vocabulary, beguiling pictures, and maybe a link to another related content that is not available to be placed into the blog post.

As seen in the above picture, using even simple but appropriately arranged words could manage to make the viewer's interest piqued, and make them to carry on reading your blog.

Another practice is to find your niche and be original about it. Finding something that interests you and going with it is usually one of the best ways to ensure that your blog would be more unique and more distinctively yours. Your enthusiasm and passion will show when you're describing and posting your entries. This, will make your blog genuine and authentic which will draw the attention of other viewers and bloggers.

You could mention the reason and interests that drove you to start a blog about it.

By doing so, your viewers would have a more in-depth understanding of your blog.

These pointers could determine and decide what a good and successful blog is. I find that the blog that I have related with such implementations is doing a good job in doing so. I hope that this would help you to build a spectacular blog, as I hope that it would help me.

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